The best presentation of a participant of Czech-German ENT days below the age of 35 will receive the Johann Nepomuk Czermak Award.
Johann Nepomuk Czermak
The prize for the best presentation of a participant below the age of 35 is named after the co-developer of the laryngoscopy, Johann Nepomuk Czermak. The name Czermak is like no other connection to the German, Czech, and European ENT. Johann Nepomuk Czermak (1828-1873) was born in Prague as the son of a well-known physician. He studied medicine at the University of Vienna, Breslau, and Wurzburg (1849). Afterward, he was an assistant at the Institute of Physiology in Prague and in 1855 became Professor of Zoology at the University of Graz. Subsequently, he was appointed as the chair of the newly established Department of Physiology in Krakow. He left only 2 semesters later to move back to Vienna in the fall of 1857. In the summer of 1858, a position became available at the Department of Physiology in Budapest and Czermak was summoned to be the chairman. He established a private laboratory in Prague with a lecture hall and was concurrently a professor at the University of Jena. On March 27th, 1858 Czermak reported on the laryngoscope (“Ueber den Kehlkopfspiegel”) in the Vienna Medical Weekly. He demonstrated it at the meeting of the Department of Physiology and Pathology on April 9th, 1858. He went on extensive travels to Germany, France, Holland, England, Scotland, and Ireland to introduce the method of laryngoscopy, leaving enthusiastic young doctors who adopted the new specialty.
Source:,; Harald Feldmann, Bilder aus der Geschichte der Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde,Median Verlag 2003